Go Library

It is possible to import pimp as a standalone Go library. The 3 examples below respectively show you how to print the git branches of a repository by:

  1. rendering a template

  2. executing a PimpScript

  3. using the native text/template package along with the pimp template functions

1. Render templates

package main

import (


func main() {
    _ = pimp.RenderTemplate(os.Stdout, `Git branches in {{pwd}}:
{{- range GitBranches}}
  - {{.}}
{{- end}}

2. Execute PimpScript

package main

import (


func main() {
    _ = pimp.ExecuteScript(os.Stdout, `
    printf "Git branches in %s:\n" pwd

    range GitBranches
      printf "- %s\n" .

3. Use the pimp template functions with `text/template`

package main

import (


func main() {
    t, _ := template.New("git_branches").
        Parse(`Git branches in {{pwd}}:
{{- range GitBranches}}
  - {{.}}
{{- end}}

    _ = t.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)

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